EUBIA hosted the Microalgae workshop


EUBIA hosted on 12 November an open workshop on the potentials of microalgae market. The event was organized on behalf of the ALGADISK project which aims at developing a modular, scalable and automatic biofilm reactor for algae biomass production, with low operational and installation costs.  

The event addressed varied specific issues affecting the development of the microalgae market, from the legal and policy framework to the research challenges in the several areas that this type of biomass can be used. The workshop brought together specialists from the academia, business and policy makers who could grasp and discuss about the latest developments in this promising field

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We thank very much all the speakers and participants for a highly productive morning of discussion and networking. 

Please click on the links to view each presentation in pdf format

Virginia Fernández – CESFAC 
Andrea Salimbeni – EUBIA 
Andrea Salimbeni – EUBIA
Arnaud Boxin – FEFAC European Feed Facturers Federation
Robert Reinhard – Algal Technology Center
Juan Elías Vergara Míguez – EUBIA
Detlef Weber – Algae Natural Food SAS


More information on the Algadisk project in the following link: