3fd48450a1AQUATERRE is the acronym for: “Integrated European Network for biomass and waste reutilisation for Bioproducts”. The project started on the 1st of April 2008, and is co-funded through the “Coordination Action” instrument of the 7th Framework Programme of the EU. The project activities are implemented by the AQUATERRE Consortium from EU Member States and associated countires. The consoritum  has eighteen (18) participating partners, including EUBIA.

The project aims to map exisiting biomass feedstocks.


1) Mainly, AQUATERRE aims to make an inventory of existing biomass feedstock in Europe and quantify the potential and identify of the best ones. Furthermore, this consists also in mapping European biomass feedstock using different tools such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in order to capture, store, analyze and manage data and associated at­tributes which are spatially referenced to the earth. This system will be integrated as a part of the website in order to provide visual and referenced information about biomass feedstock in Europe. The end result will be EUBIDA, the first European data-base where biomass feedstocks in Europe will be quantified and qualified.

2) At the end of the Project (May 2010) the “White Book of Biomass” will be published which will summarize gaps of knowledge identified during the project and will establish guidelines and good practices for future strategies for farmers and policy makers. which will summarize gaps of knowledge identified during the project and will establish guidelines and good practices for future strategies for farmers and policy makers.

3) Addiontally, AQUATERRE will establish EU sanctioned guidelines for farmers and policy makers as regards to the best biomass sources to cultivate according to region, climate, policy, lifecycle assessment, technical barriers, processing, access, costs, etc. This will fully incorporate Life Cycle Analysis of biomass production practices, transportation, and storage of bio-products.

Project Title

Integrated European Network for biomass and waste reutilisation for Bio-products (AQUATERRE)


24 months: 1 April 2008 – 1 April 2010

EUBIA Contribution

EUBIA as Task leader, with the help of the consortium, identifies the Biomass sources for industrial use to pro­duce Bioenergy and maps the best biomass sources. EUBIA contributes to the Identification of the Environ­mental disseminate Impact schemes of the Optimum Life Cycle As­sessment. Finally, EUBIA contributes to the results of this research by publication, organisation of conferences and writing a “white book”.

Centres of Excellence (CoE) in the field of biomass and waste reutilisation for Bio-products – Brief questionnaire

As part of the European Commission funded project AQUATERRE – “Integrated European Network for biomass and waste reutilisation for Bioproducts” a list of Centres of Excellence in the field of biomass and waste reutilisation will be assembled. The primary aim of this co-ordination action is to promote the cooperation between research centres, business and other stakeholders in Europe devoted to the research, development and application of biomass and biofuel production and valorisation. It will aim integration and unification of efforts and the exchange of knowledge and expertise between partners, to promote the creation of a network for improving biomass and waste reutilisation.

In this context a database of Centres of Excellence in research on biomass and waste reutilisation including details of work, research projects, publications, patents, citations, PhD theses, awards, etc. will be compiled and published on the AQUATERRE website. Furthermore the list of Centres of Excellence in relevant research will be part of a final report elaborated for public dissemination.

If you would like your organisation to be part of this Centres of Excellence database, please complete the questionnaire below.

Centres of Excellence Project Questionnaire

Project Website