Geronimo II-Biogas



GERONIMO II-Biogas strongly contributed to the development of anaerobic digestion technology and biogas utilization in European countries. Geronimo II operated specifically to improve the deployment of biogas plants among European farms. To this end, project partners worked on two different levels:

The bottom-up approach: a great effort to assist dairy and pigs farmers in each of the project country to quantify the biogas potential, working closely with them to improve their knowledge about political barriers, planning and permission procedures, best technical solutions and economic feasibility of an anaerobic digestion plant installation in their farm.

The top-down approach: it consisted in the identification of the most relevant political and social barriers hindering biogas development at national and European level. More than 109 policy and decision makers have been involved in face to face meetings, events, workshops, etc.. in order to discuss about obstacles, present legislation and promising initiatives promoted by national and regional government to support biogas production development. At the end of the project: 10 letter of intent have been signed by policy makers coming from the following countries:

Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands, Spain, United kingdom.

In these letters, policy makers confirmed they support to biogas technology and the future effort of their country to improve the biogas production towards the 2020 target.

The project activities, objectives and results are described in detail in the following documents:


Geronimo II Project leaflet for farmers

Geronimo II Project leaflet for policy makers

Booklet on Biogas Business cases

Roadmap: Mapping the way to pro-biogas policies for the benefit of farmer and the environment

Book on Profitable Farms Biogas Projects

– Guidebook: Farmers Guide for Implementing a Biogas Project


Click here to read the GERONIMO II-Biogas Newsletter