EUBIA supports the Biosolids & Organic Resources Conference & Exhibition



Eubia will attend and is officially supporting the organization of the 19th European Biosolids & Organic Resources Conference and Exhibition. The high-level event will take place from 17th to 19th November in Manchester, UK. The conference and exhibition is organized by one of EUBIA members, the british consultancy Aqua Enviro. EUBIA members will obtain discounts on stand and delegate rates.

The conference attracts the most authoritative global experts in the area of biosolids and organic resource handling, treatment and recycling. It regularly gathers more than 200 delegates from all over Europe. The programme covers both the latest innovation innovations and updates of existing technologies and presentations from respected industry experts and newcomers follow the development of technologies and legislation from inception to full-scale installations. The venue offers strong networking and business opportunities since experts, delegates and dozens exhibitors can meet and develop new ideas and projects.

For more information, check the website of the Conference:

In order to register, download the Conference brochureEUBIA members interested in participating should contact EUBIA staff as soon as possible.

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