BioenNW Final International Conference

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EUBIA, on behalf of BioenNW Project, is pleased to organize the 


BioenNW Final International Conference

Bioenergy Networks and Biomass Potentials 

Valorising  European Organic Residues


24 September 2015, EUBIA Conference Centre, Rond Point Schuman 6, B1040, Brussels, Belgium


BioenNW Final Conference will be focusing on the most promising technologies and strategies for an efficient exploitation of European biomass residues. Top Level Speakers, from European Commission, leading research centres, universities and Industries will be participating, for a full day on Sustainable Bioenergy in Europe!


Click Here to Download the Conference Programme, the conference is completely free!


This event is open to a maximum of 130 participants, therefore, an advance registration is needed to secure your place in time.

Please send us your registration form before 10th of September 2015!

Looking forward to seeing you in Brussels!


Yours sincerely,


EUBIA – Partner of BioenNW Project Consortium