The 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition was the first event of its kind to be hold entirely in a virtual form. It was a tough challenge, in a completely unexplored field but the staff and the organization managed to deliever a great result.
Eubia is a supporting organization of EUBCE and, as always, we set up an exhibition booth in the exhibition area of the event, clearly in a virtual form. We succesfully hosted several online visitors in our booth and we were able to make available a wide range of information.
For the next two months you can still access to the virtual EUBCE, watching all the recordings and visiting the Exhibition area. You can access here.

EUBIA’s H2020 projects were showcased in the booth, as well as the BIOCOGEN 2030 initiative, the stakeholder platform on small-medium scale cogeneration from biomass. EUBIA had the pleasure to sponsor three European companies, members of BIOCOGEN 2030, which have developed some interesting CHP solutions.
On the second day of the conference, EUBIA hosted a webinar in the Live Stage area dedicated to BIOCOGEN 2030. Here five promising projects in the field of cogeneration from biomass were presented and discussed. This was the second online event of the BIOCOGEN 2030 platform amd more will come in the next months. You can join the platform by filling this form.

Despite the COVID19 emergency, the 28th EUBCE was indeed a succesful (virtual) edition. We look forward to the next Conference and we remind you that by joining EUBIA you will get a preferential access to every edition of EUBCE.